Tag: Boston

  • Old South Meeting House – Boston Harbor a Teapot Tonight!

    Old South Meeting House – Boston Harbor a Teapot Tonight!

    One of the important stops a traveler must make while tracing the history of the Revolutionary War is the Old South Meeting House. It was here that colonists gathered to plan action against the increasingly unpopular British rule. This site is where the infamous Boston Tea Party incident was hatched and put into motion. The…

  • the Old North Church: One If By Land

    the Old North Church: One If By Land

    In addition to being the oldest church building and the oldest operating Episcopal congregation in Boston, the Old North Church played a pivotal role leading up to the Revolutionary War. On a crisp April evening in 1775, the North Church (Not so old in 1775 as it was built in 1723, and officially called Christ…

  • Visit Paul Revere’s Home in the North End of Boston

    Visit Paul Revere’s Home in the North End of Boston

    Perhaps one of the most instrumental figures in American history, Paul Revere’s story is as famous as it is interesting. The midnight ride Revere took to warn the colonists of the approaching British forces was just one of many contributions the founding father made. Fortunately, if you’re in the Boston’s North End, you can visit…

  • Revolutionary Boston – 7 Historic Places to Visit

    Revolutionary Boston – 7 Historic Places to Visit

    There are many unique and exciting cities along America’s east coast. However, one town, in particular, was instrumental in helping to write the story of this nation. Boston is teeming with history surrounding the Revolutionary War and offers visitors a glimpse back in time. If you’re traveling to the northeast, there are several historical places…

  • Boston Tea Party Ship and Museum

    Boston Tea Party Ship and Museum

    For Americans, a few key dates define our country’s history, and December 16, 1773, is one of them. While still under British control in 1773, the colonists didn’t take kindly to a new set of taxes imposed on them via the Tea Act. Colonists considered this act of British parliament “taxation without representation” and responded…

  • 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party

    250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party

    2023 marks the 250th anniversary of one of the most important events that lead to the American Revolutionary War. The Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum will reenact the fateful day in December 16, 1773. Brave the cold and venture down to Congress Street Bridge in downtown Boston to partake in this historic anniversary event.…

  • The Road to Revolution: Five Places to Visit

    The Road to Revolution: Five Places to Visit

    Five places to visit to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the United States of America.